
Daytime Activities

Check your welcome packet or SkiSync reservations if you signed up for something in advance.

Otherwise, check out things to do in Whistler if you aren’t shredding on the mountain


Section SGDs

Whistler restaurants

Spend time with your section-besties at small group dinners around Whistler!

Section leaders will communicate restaurants and other details to their groups


Santacon Bar Crawl

Meet at Longhorn

8PM - 12AM

Get ready to SLEIGH from bar to bar in Whistler Village, completing ~silly goofy~ tasks with your besties to score points. One outstanding team will be crowned the Sexiest Santas Alive. Bars include: Apres Apres / Buff Joe’s / Garf’s / Moe Joe's

Meet at Longhorn at 8pm with your teammates (list here)

Dress in your sexiest, silliest, sleigh-iest Santa attire!

Assorted pizzas; ticketed bar crawl (one drink provided per bar)